
今天找到這樣商品LOUIS VUITTON Zippy wallet vertical Damier graphite N63095 Men's [New]覺得還不錯


< LOUIS VUITTON Zippy wallet vertical Damier graphite N63095 Men's [New]











Control number h-A470 haウ
Product name Zippy wallet vertical
Line Damier graphite
Material Damier Canvas / leather
Type No. N63095
Serial No. CA3195
Color Black / grey / silver fittings
Shape Large zip around wallet
Sex Men's
Size W20 cm x H9.5 cm x D2 cm
Weight Approx. 167g
Detail Zipper closure
Bill wallet x 1
Zip closure purse x 1
Card Pocket x 8
3 free pockets.
Accessories Stock boxes
Storage bags
Whole Brand new.





商品ランク"><br/><br/><br><br/><br/><table class=

好評 N

Brand new, unread items within one year from product manufacturing















































N Brand new, unread items within one year from product manufacturing
NS Brand new, unread items after more than one year from using products manufactured
S As well as brand new products
A Times using beauty products
AB But there are some small scratches or stains overall good state
B Commonly used goods in overall feeling
BC There is strong overall experience
C Strong feeling and a deterioration or large stains, such as
D Missing, failure.


※ The color monitor actual colors may vary.













































Shop at LOUIS VUITTON (Louis Vuitton) CHANEL (Chanel) PRADA (Prada) HERMES (Hermes) and GUCCI (Gucci) brand men and women, bags (bags) and handles purse (wallet), rings, and Earrings Necklace Bracelet and other accessories. [HERMES [Hermes]] Bored relaxing 35 [Bowed rose
A chic color called rosewood was presented in * 2011 spring summer collection, such as a neutral pink with bougainvillea] [handbags]




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(中央社紐約16日綜合外電報導)由於一名美國聯邦準備理事會(Fed)高階決策官員表示聯準會最快可能在9月升息,華爾街股市今天收盤從歷史新高下滑。 美國紐約聯邦準備銀行總裁杜德里(WilliamDudley)告訴福斯財經新聞網(Fox Business),下月升息是可能的,華爾街投資人對明年升息的前景太過「自滿」。 彭博報導,道瓊工業指數下滑84.03點或0.45%,以18552.02點作收。 標準普爾指數下滑12.00點或0.55%,收在2178.15點。 科技股那斯達克指數下滑34.904點或0.66%,收5227.111點。 杜德里是聯準會中最具影響力的決策人士之一,也是聯準會主席葉倫(Janet Yellen)的密切盟友。 杜德里1日曾表示,聯準會在考慮升息時應非常謹慎,因為美國經濟還有揮之不去的風險。 雖然杜德里說,目前要排除今年政策緊縮的可能性還「言之過早」,他接著表示,由於英國脫歐的未知效應、美元升值和因為在如此低利率下延後此項行動較安全,負面衝擊較正面影響的可能性更高。 杜德里表示:「所有這3個理由都證明目前的美國貨幣政策只是溫和寬鬆,實際上,美國的金融情況會受到海外經濟和金融市場發展的影響,而且在危機管理考量上,目前也表明,提高美國短期利率應該謹慎。」 美國就業市場持續改善,星展集團分析,美國非農就業的強勁數據表現,促使聯準會(Fed)9月升息的機率回升,風向球將是聯準會主席葉倫8月底演說。 對於聯準會升息動向,市場普遍預期,聯準會應該會等美國大選後再做出決定。不過,星展集團研究部指出,美國7月新增非農就業人數為25.5萬人,6月數據也上調至29.2萬人,數據表現強勁,聯準會9月升息的機率回升。1050817

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